International Initiative for Development for Ethnic Art


Ve dnech 13. – 16. 8. 2015 se konal 4denní festival romské hudby v rekreačním zařízení OTAKAR (Hamry u Poličky). Na programu nechyběly ani přednášky, diskuze, promítání filmů a workshopy.

International Roma festival Romale

During days 13rd - 16th August 2015 was held a four-day festival of Roma music in holiday resort OTAKAR (Hamry near Polička). On program didn´t lack lectures, discussions, screening of movies and workshops.

Patronage of festival took Mons. Prof. PhDr. Tomáš Halík Th.D., Dr.h.c. and Council president of region Pardubice Martin Netolický.

Festival was financially supported by grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway in frame of Financial Mechanism EHP and Council president of region Pardubice Martin Netolický.

More information on YouTubeFacebook or here.

Romale festival was supported by