International Initiative for Development for Ethnic Art

Workshop a concert in Montessori center- 2015

During the 4th and  5th of March 2015 we held a two-day workshop in The Montessori Centre in Ludesch in Austria for pupils of The Montessori school and Roma girls and members of our choir Čhavorenge, from the Czech and Slovak Republic under the guidance of Ida Kelarova and her artistic team from civic association Miret.

 The chosen girls are between the ages of 13 – 15 and were this time invited into families of pupils of the Montessori school, where they had opportunity to experience how the other families and their children live. The girls had the opportunity to take part in school classes with the other children and to improve on their German and English language and also learn other methods of schooling.

As we have been told by the parents and teachers the children from The Montessori School were strongly impacted by their experience with us, they spent the year singing our songs and looking forward to seeing us again.

 This year the workshop in Ludesch the children continued in the work with the voice and in a very short time rehearsed 6 songs, although they sang in Roma language, they managed to sing all lyrics off by heart next day.

 The Children had a very successful concert and all the performers managed to perform out of a small budget covering the costs of this project.

„I evaluate the entire event as successful and for all children very important and significant. I learned myself mostly via these challenges and experiences for example travelling and learning other cultures,“ said artistic director of project and director of civic association Miret Ida Kelarova and arranged with Montessori team that we will happily return next year