International Initiative for Development for Ethnic Art

Patron organizations and companies

We thank all of you who support us and help us fulfill our goals.

We thank for support of international festival Romale

  • EEA Grants

We thank for support of summer school ROMANO DROM 2015

  • Erasmus+
  • Česká filharmonie
  • Katedra politologie a sociologie Právnické fakulty UK v Praze
  • Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti - Open Society Foundation
  • ETP Slovensko
  • ComAp, a. s.
  • A. S. A., spol. s r. o.
  • Nadační fond Pomozme žít dětem lépe

We thank for support of project Čhavorenge a projekt Čhavorenge

  • Ministry of culture Czech Republic


Romano drom

Romano drom summer school with concerts in three towns in the North Bohemia (Šluknovsko) will take place during July 30 - August 13, 2016.


  • 9. 8. letní kino v Novém Boru
  • 10. 8. Lužické náměstí v Rumburku
  • 11. 8. zámecké zahrady v Děčíně


Concerts with the Czech Philharmonic

Four concerts by the Čhavorenge Choir and Czech Philharmonic directed by Marco Ivanović will take place in Prague in October 2016.
