International Initiative for Development for Ethnic Art

Articles and Events

November 2014

Collection of clothes for Roma settlements in Lenartov and Markušovce

On Monday, November 24th, 900 boxes of clothing were sent from the Montessori school in Ludesch, Austria, to Roma settlements in Lenartov and Markušove (eastern Slovakia) by lorry.


Concert on occasion Day of Students

On 17th November 2014, on Students Days in commemoration of events from 1939 and 1989, a concert was held in Dvořák Hall of Rudolfinum.

Performers: Marko Ivanović - Conductor, Czech student philharmonic, Ida Kelarová – choirmastress, choir Čhavorenge and stundet choirs: Barbastella, Corale, Vox coloris a členové Kühnova dětského sboru. Pavel Ryjáček accompanied the evening.

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Cognitive excursion in Prague

During 14th – 16th November 2014 the members of choir Čhavorenge visited Prague. They visited Prague Castle, historic center of Prague. They also visited Czech Radio and more events were prepared for them.

September 2014

"Let´s find together a new way!"

Oto Bunda a Michal Mižigár started cooperating with GI Nora on a project "Let´s find together a new way!" Its goal, from the side of members of Miret, is to make a documentary movie about the role of Roma women.


Čhavorenge on concerts of Ida Kelarova and Jazz Familia - September 2014

On 11th September 2014 in Cultural House Rušinov in Bratislava, Slovakia, a concert took place of Ida Kelarova and Jazz Familia. The guests of the concert was Josef Fečo (piano) and 5 members of Choir Čhavorenge

Nedpodceňujte romské děti 


Academy of Human Potential - September 2014

Ida Kelarova, Desiderius Dužda and Oto Bunda prepared a concert for the fourth year of festival SoundMakers, which was held on September 6th at Piazza S. Oronzo in Lecce (Italy). The concert was prepared during the workshop that took place during 2nd – 6th September, 2014


Workshop in Aarau – August 2011

As part of their senior thesis paper, Anja Klauser and Corina Noetzli, students from Neue Kantonsschule in Aarau, invited Ida Kelarová and her artistic team from MIRET to participate in the vocal workshop with a follow-up concert performance... more


MIRET in Dornbin, Austria – April 2011

Collaboration was established with Austrian grammar school in Dornbin in 2003, where local children, with the help of teacher Rainer Feurstein, organized a clothing collection fundraiser for children living in the Romani settlemet in Lenartov, Slovakia.... more

Benefit weekend in Linz - November 2010

The weekend project Romano Drom (Romani Journey) was held in Linz, Austria on 12.-14. November 2010. The project was dedicated to the Romani culture and history and all that is Romani... more

Concert performance at the Tereza Maxová fashion show – November 2010

The dance group Merci and nine-year-old Anna Olahová together with other Roma talents, lead by Ida Kelarová, performed at a fashion show... more

Roma children shine at festival Menuhin gala concert – September 2010

The Roma children of MIRET shined at the galaconcert held during the international Menuhin festival in Gstaad, Switzerland...  more

„THE FAMILY TABLE“ in Israel – September 2010

„THE FAMILY TABLE“ in Israel is the project of David Maayn, a famous Israeli theatre director and founder of the Acco and Shlomi Alternative Theatre Center in Israel... more

Romano Drom – July 2010

Workshop, children and youth Performing Arts camp, concerts in Romani settlements in east Slovakia - all this was held in July 2010 under the name Romani Drom (Romani Journey)... more


Romano drom

Romano drom summer school with concerts in three towns in the North Bohemia (Šluknovsko) will take place during July 30 - August 13, 2016.


  • 9. 8. letní kino v Novém Boru
  • 10. 8. Lužické náměstí v Rumburku
  • 11. 8. zámecké zahrady v Děčíně


Concerts with the Czech Philharmonic

Four concerts by the Čhavorenge Choir and Czech Philharmonic directed by Marco Ivanović will take place in Prague in October 2016.
